By Rus Devorah Wallen, LCSW, ACSW, CIMHP
In a world often marred by division and uncertainty, the timeless
concepts of tikva (hope) and bitachon (trust) have served as
unwavering beacons of guidance for generations within our tradition.
These principles of faith have not only provided solace but have also
been instrumental in sustaining the Jewish People through some of
history’s darkest chapters.
One of the most poignant rituals embodying hope within Jewish
tradition is the setting of a place for Elijah during the Passover Seder.
This symbolic act, accompanied by the Cup of Elijah, represents
the enduring hope for the arrival of the Moshiach (Messiah) and the
Geulah (ultimate redemption) of the Jewish people. The song Eliyahu
HaNavi (Elijah the Prophet) sung during this ritual expresses the
collective longing for Elijah’s appearance, heralding a new era of
peace and prosperity.
In Chassidic philosophy, the significance of Eliyahu HaNavi extends
beyond a mere expectation of his physical presence. It is believed that
Eliyahu embodies the essence of Divine revelation and serves as a
conduit for spiritual awakening. His anticipated arrival symbolizes
not just the redemption of the Jewish people but also a profound
spiritual awakening for all humanity. Chabad teachings emphasize the
importance of preparing oneself internally for the coming of Eliyahu
by refining one's character and deepening one's connection to God
through acts of kindness and Torah study.
Moreover, the Torah and other Jewish texts abound with verses that
speak to the theme of hope and redemption. Isaiah 40:31 stands as a
powerful reminder of the strength that comes from placing one’s hope
in the divine, promising renewal and endurance even in the face of
adversity: “But they who trust in the LORD shall renew their strength,
as eagles grow new plumes: they shall run and not grow weary, they
shall march and not grow faint.”
Central in Judaism is the belief in the coming of the Moshiach and
the ultimate redemption. This concept not only offers hope but also
imbues life with purpose, emphasizing the transformative potential of
a Messianic era as depicted in passages from the Talmud and Midrash.
Beyond theological discourse, the theme of hope finds resonance in
the lives of individuals grappling with personal struggles and societal
upheaval. Countless stories abound of individuals drawing strength
from their faith and hope in a better future, whether through acts of
kindness, community engagement, or spiritual practices. In particular,
during this very painful time for the Land and People of Israel, it
seems that hope has never been so strong! We are unified more than
ever in our modern world.
In today’s tumultuous world, the Cup of Elijah and the enduring
themes of hope and trust serve as reminders of resilience and
perseverance. As we confront the complexities of modern life, may
we find inspiration in the unwavering hope embedded within our
tradition, guiding us through life’s trials and tribulations toward
a brighter tomorrow. May we stand together with pride and faith,
trusting in the hope that through the unity of Our People, we merit
the Ultimate Redemption, speedily in our days!
Rus Devorah (Darcy) Wallen, LCSW, ACSW, CIMHP, specializes
in healing workshops, individual therapy, and coaching. For free
relaxation exercises, visit her website or
contact her at