As we gather around the seder table to retell the story of our ancestors' exodus from Egypt, we are reminded not only of our journey from bondage to freedom thousands of years ago, but of our constant need to fight against antisemitism.
In recent years, we have witnessed increased incidences, from hateful rhetoric to violent attacks, as Jews continue to face persecution simply for practicing their faith. For me, it is hard to believe that more than 170 days have passed after the terrorist invasion of Israel and the kidnapping of hundreds of civilians. As I write this editorial, there are more than one hundred people held captive in Gaza and thousands of Palestinians caught in this war
I believe it is important to understand that what's at stake is not only the security of the state of Israel, but also the survival of the Jewish people around the world. Make no mistake, antisemitism didn't start on Oct. 7, it's just that now people have an excuse to reveal and justify their hate.
That is why now more than ever, it is crucial for the Jewish community to come together and build strong alliances with like-minded individuals and organizations. By standing in solidarity with other marginalized groups, we not only strengthen our own community but also send a powerful message that hate and bigotry have no place in our society.
It is our duty as Jews to support these efforts and lend our voices to those who are silenced.
Let us use the holiday of Passover as an opportunity to renew our dedication to tikkun olam, the Jewish value of repairing the world.
Let us reach out to our allies and work hand in hand to create a world where all individuals can live with dignity, respect and peace.
In this edition you will find a variety of personal accounts of antisemitism and reflections on the issue of freedom.
As always I would like to thank all the advertisers who support our independent publication.
Chag Pesach Sameach – Wishing you a joyous and meaningful Passover.